Saturday, March 21, 2009

Seriously everything is so pretenious. I don't know why do I still feel this way. Yeah I'm supposed to forget all about worthless things. They aren't meant to be, or rather, worth my energy to be thought of. But why oh why?

Life is really a goddamned maze. Now I'm still stuck at a dead end. And YES I SHOULD FIND A NEW WAY OUT. WHY AM I STILL STAYING AT THAT DEAD SPOT?
2 years of friendship, and you guys just wanna cut off ties with me just because of a small trival matter. AND BESIDES. YOU GUYS DIDN'T HAD ANYTHING TO LOSE. NIL. NOTHING. NONE. NEGATIVE. INSTEAD. YOU GUYS GAINED. FUCKIN' GAINED.

WTF IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? Not even a word of thanks. Forget it, I'm still fine with it for you people not appreciating me for the past years. But now..? Talk about friendship...?
Friends? More like a sham. Facades. WHY DO I STILL VALUE THE FUCKING FRIENDSHIP? I really need someone to slap me. WAKEUP, GODDAMNIT.

I know that, somewhere deep down, there's this underlying unhappiness since a year ago. If you have something that you're not happy with that regards me. SAY IT. TELL ME STRAIGHT IN THE FACE. Why act on. Acting like, "OH YES I DONT HATE YOU I LIKE YOU, YOU ARE MY FRIEND." Bullshit. You guys say something, but act the other way. AND GUESS WHAT? I hate people who just like to turn facts into the other way round. That's right. Twisting it... God. If you still have values...oh no you don't. Making my life miserable, what DO YOU PEOPLE GAIN? TELL ME. I WANNA KNOW. SATISFACTION? If that's the case. There you have it. I'm crushed. Goddamned miserable now. Are you happy now?

The twists and turns of life...

Signing off,

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