Monday, December 31, 2007

finally been taken off..
was wondering when that would happen..
well... cant say i'm surprised or anything

interestingly enough..
i wasnt shocked...
just bemused... (dun go wow cos i know that word)

hols are coming to an end.
what awaits me are presentations and exams.
gotta get into the mood...
cant wait till its the FEB HOLS!!!!!
decided not to apply for the study trip anymore..
lack of money and stuff i had to consider.

my jap is getting stronger and stronger..
woot... but only the conversational one..
not kanji.. unless the kanji character happens to coincide with mandarin characters then i no problemo.. XD

anyways... my blog.. dun think anyone reads it anymore..
which is why im so happy..
haha... should i stop the shameless advertising on MSN?
nah.. lets not change things that have not been proven wrong...
erm.. oh yea.. leaving later to RM;s Carpark for countdown..
haha... what a novel way to celebrate the new year...
in a Carpark.. woot...
*must rmb to get home before the last train leaves*
midnight surcharges and the new increase in taxi fare is no joke....

New year coming...
MPC of my family is very very close to 1.0..
wait wait.. i think exceeded that le...
probably in debt now or sth...

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