Sunday, March 2, 2008


spent most of the aft till night at the hospital yesterday..

my grandma had a minor stroke while at home..

she sort of slowly collapsed onto the ground after doing housework..
my grandpa, being very traditional, decided to call a chinese doctor..
so he rushed to his house and gave her acupuncture..

when i rushed to her house, the acupuncture session had just ended..
but after the doc left, she kept throwing up over and over again, complaining of giddiness..

so we called the ambulance and she was rushed to SGH..
while they were treating her, they asked how long we waited till she was sent to the hospital...

we gave an estimate of 2 plus hrs..
then we were told that alot of time was wasted as the effective time would be under 3 hrs..

so my cousin, my aunt and i were outside waiting and desperately hoping that she would be fine..

some half hr later.. a nurse came out and talked to us...
she said " ur grandma is extremely lucky...
when she came in, she had zero power (power referring to ability to move her arms and legs)
but after the scan, she had full power.. i dunno what caused it.. maybe it was the acupuncture.. but now,the blood flow in the brain is back to normal."

up until that point, i was quite angry that they had decided to give her acupuncture instead of rushing her to the hospital straight away.

we were allowed to see her and thankfully she was looking alright, although a little pale and very hungry (she puked everything out)

she was admitted to the high dependency ward (where nurses look after u constantly while repeatedly doing various tests) last night. gonna visit her later again..

alot of other things also happened which i chose to miss out cause i felt that it really showed the ugly side of my mom.

and the chinese phrase which says that u see a person's real nature in an emergency is so true..

many many many many thanks to my cousin and his family for rushing back from the market immediately after receiving a call from my grandpa.

really terrifying experience as i;ve never even seen my grandma so much as catch a cold before..

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