Saturday, April 5, 2008

how i dislike my cca sometimes =/ the crazyness of the graduated seniors just won't seem to die off.. interviews. if only they had interviews more like ncc. ncc you just sit there and answer questions. but yet for guides its like.. if you can't think of an answer you get pumped and probably run around the school till your lungs wanna die =.= and its smart of them to not inform the teachers. just say its a training. while having training they interview you behind the teachers' backs. which is also very hypocritical. its just like a vicious cycle and yes i know im going to be like them soon. seriously even if you say thats its probably to give you exposure so that for future job interviews you won't have a problem. its really crazy can? why be so fierce? why make people scared of you? its not respect anymore its fear of a senior. guiding life wasn't to be this hard you know? other schools focus more on being bonded and united. this school is like being more on disciplined! yes i know we msut be disciplined but are they fit to discipline you? are they sure they have the authority to do all these? just like i said during the interview
"what makes an outstanding leader?"
".. dont abuse their authority"
"we are all laughing. don't you feel humiliated?"
-hell no. you all wanna laughi will laugh along with you. i won't laugh at myself. why? because that would mean im looking down on myself already."
dammit. once again im tempted to give this reply should such a qn is psoed to me.
"what are your weaknesses?"
seriouss.. i mean.. yr weakness are all in you what. so i wonder if they answer would cost me many rounds around the school. tough luck =.=
a guy is not worth the girl's tears
AND THE INTERVIEWERS ARE FEMALE. so they not even worth my watery eyes. i will not cry during interview. i won't let them have it their way. i'll be the first one that doesn't buckle down in front of them!!!
sigh just hope can keep my cool and keep my eye dry. still must maintain eye contact when talking to them somemore. wonder if they will see the defiance in my eyes hahaha. then again, if they see it its going to cost me more rounds around the school =.= like seriously.. graduated then graduated bah.. still come back for what. and they are evne juniors that you don't know and you just come here throw your weight around then leave =.= verrrry nice.

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