Monday, October 13, 2008

My ramblings

i feel tat in our society, everyone only focuses on wad can be seen.
grades, achievements, medals, rewards etc..

but, are they really everything?
if you get really good grades.. good for you.. but so wat? what does tat really prove?
what have u gained after getting that piece of cert?

but dun get me wrong
i feel tat while grades ARE impt, it really isnt everything.
at the end of the day, it really isnt how well u mug, neither is it how high ur gpa is.
at the end of the day, i feel tat it is all about the experience tat u bring back
ur growth, satisfaction from doing a job well done or at least trying ur utmost best.

what good is it to just be bonded thru a superficial reason?
isnt having frens that u can confide in, tat u can be lame with, unglam, crap with, and most impt-ly, knowing tat they will be there to help u when the time comes, way more impt?

we all have our differences definitely. we may hate each other's guts or dislike the way u do work.
but after stopping to think, is it really tat serious of an issue?
is it something so fundementally wrong tat it has to come to this?
isnt working arnd our small differences what makes us grow as people?

i may be naive and idealistic when it comes to this
but at the end of the day,
above good grades,
above all the unhappiness
the hypocrisy,
the hidden meanings
i feel tat we can all get along reasonably well

and tats what really matters no?

for ppl who disagreed with what im saying.
i really feel like saying piss off and why are u even reading my blog..
but~ im feeling melancholic now..
so just dun read k?

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